Coronavirus is a type of virus which is common across the world. The virus causes more severe symptoms for people with a weaker immune system including older people or those with long-term health issues such as diabetes, cancer or lung disease.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of the coronavirus and as of 10 March 2020, the World Health Organization has declared that COVID-19 is a public health emergency of international concern.
Avantguard have prepared this statement for our employees to provide information and advice about actions you can take to minimise the risk and potential spread of the virus. There is also guidance on symptoms, what to do if you think you have Coronavirus, Self-Isolation and how to keep Avantguard updated.
The best thing that we can do is help to minimise the possible spread of the infection and there is a lot of information available online about actions we can take NOW. We will summarise the current available information below but please keep an eye on the following websites as new information is being released on a daily basis:-
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water – wash for at least 20 seconds
- Always wash your hands when you get home or as you arrive at work
- Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available – this should have been provided either by our clients or from Avantguard but please contact Head Office if you do not have access to hand sanitiser or if you are running low in the work place
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze – use a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands)
- Put any used tissues in the bin straight away and then wash or sanitise your hands
- DO NOT touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
- Meet people outside if possible
- Open doors and windows to let in fresh air if meeting people inside
- Limit the number of people you meet and avoid crowded places
- Wear a face covering if it's hard to stay away from other people (particularly indoors or in crowded places)
- Masks are still compulsory on some of our sites and in certain circumstances so make sure you are up to date with the policies relating to the sites where you are working and follow them
The main symptoms of the Coronavirus are:
- A high temperature - this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- A new, continuous cough - this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- A loss of change to your sense of smell or taste - this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
However, these are symptoms of many other more common illnesses so do not necessarily mean you have Coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you have any of the above symptoms then you need to isolate and make arrangements to get a PCR test to check if you have coronavirus. A PCR test is one which is sent to a lab and should be used if you have symptoms. Lateral Flow tests are those which give you a result at home within 30 minutes but these should be used regularly if you don't have symptoms, just to make sure you are not A-symptomatic (i.e. you have the virus and are spreading it but without any symptoms). Lateral Flow tests should not be used as confirmation if you are showing symptoms.
You should stay at home and do not have visitors until you get your test results. You may leave your home to have your test.
If your tests results are negative then you can return to your normal routine and work arrangements.
If you test positive
If your test results are positive then you will need to follow the guidance that is given to you with regards to isolating.
You should NOT go to the GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital and you DO NOT need to contact NHS 111 in this case. You should follow self-isolation guidance as detailed at the below page:-
As soon as it becomes apparent that you need to self-Isolate, please contact Avantguard on 01903 890261 to advise us of your situation. DO NOT wait until the day of your shift if it becomes apparent that you need to self-isolate whilst on one of your rest days.
We will need to make immediate plans to cover your shifts for the necessary isolation period and we may need to inform our clients at the sites where you have been working.
Please keep in contact with the Avantguard Head Office during your isolation period and keep us up to date with test results and any advice you are given from NHS or Health Authorities.
Most likely you will receive your test results within 24 hours and you will be negative and will be able to return to work. However, if you need to isolate for longer you may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay and more information about this can be found at the below website:-
If someone you know tests positive:-
If someone you live with has symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, then you will NOT need to self-isolate if any of the following apply:-
- you're fully vaccinated - this means 14 days have passed since your final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine given by the NHS
- you're under 18 years, 6 months old
- you're taking part of have taken part in a COVID-19 vaccine trial
- you're not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons
If none of the above apply then you will need to isolate in line with NHS test and trace or government guidance.
However, even if you do not have symptoms, you should still:-
Shift Handovers
During this time, it is important that we all do our best to implement 'social distancing' to reduce the possibility of spreading infection. For many of you, you are generally a 'lone worker' where you have little or no contact with others during your shift. In addition, because many of our clients' staff are able to work from home, then we are likely to see significantly reduced traffic in the buildings that we look after.
However, all of you will at some point be required to carry out a shift handover between colleagues. In order to help with the 'social distancing', we recommend that you take the following steps:-
- DO NOT meet and greet with your colleagues at handover. Keep a minimum distance of 2 meters at all times
- If you are unable to keep a 2 meter distance from your colleague for any period of time (due to a space restriction or training to use a piece of technology etc.), wear a face mask (face masks may be compulsory on some of our client sites anyway so follow their guidance and policies at all times)
- Use the Assignment Logs and Diaries to exchange critical information and try to keep hand-over conversation to an absolute minimum
- At the start and end of your workshift, sanitise all shared equipment (Phone, GuardTools device, keys, torch, log-books etc.)
- At the start and end of your workshift, sanitise your work space, wiping down all surfaces, door handles, chair handles, microwaves, fridges and cupboard doors
- Empty your waste bin at the end of your shift and dispose of the rubbish in the appropriate place - especially if there are used tissues in the bin
- If you drive a company vehicle/van, these are being regularly cleaned and sanitised but you should ALWAYS sanitise the commonly touched surfaces before entering your vehicle and also at the end of your shift
If you need more hand sanitiser, disinfectant spray, cleaning cloths or paper towels then please contact Avantguard Head Office. We have various stocks on order and are trying to keep enough in stock for everyone but we may also ask the clients if they are able to provide any products to keep work areas clean and safe.